Mongolia Trip 11.10.14 – 9:30am Pacific Time
As I write this short article, I am sitting in the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport waiting to board my flight to Beijing, China and then to Mongolia.
If you have ever met me, the chances are good that you have heard me talk about Mongolia. About ten years ago, I really couldn’t have told you anything about the country or even have pointed it out on a map. Then I had the privilege of being cellies with a Mongolian guy named Darkhanbayar (Danny). Over the next year and a half, he told me a lot about his country and we talked about a time in the future when we would be out of prison and “planned” a trip in which I would travel to Mongolia to visit him. When I met Danny he wasn’t a Christian and, in fact, hadn’t really even heard the name Jesus. Because, at the time, he had very little English it was difficult for him to fully understand the Gospel, and he wasn’t too interested in it anyway.
Eventually I was transferred to another prison, but Danny and I kept in touch through letters. I could see that God was opening up his heart. At last, the Gospel of Christ overtook and conquered him. The Spirit began working on his life and he became, truly, a different person. Over the next several years Danny faced many hardships, losses and devastating disappointments. God showed him that he was loved and brought him through those times and gave him more faith along the way.
In August, Danny was released on Parole. He had an ICE detainer and spent two more months waiting to be deported back to Mongolia. It had been about 18 years since he’d seen his family so his homecoming was a very happy thing. So many things have changed in Mongolia, in his family and, because of Christ, in his life. He is experiencing some pretty awesome culture shock.
So, here I am in Seattle waiting for the next leg of my journey to see my friend who I haven’t seen face to face in nearly nine years. We have some things planned, but mostly we want to sit and talk a lot. We will also look for a good church for him to attend and work on his resume. But mostly we will celebrate the goodness of God that takes a place like prison and fills it with Spirit and starts a mass adoption and changes lives and develops leaders in His church and on and on…
If you are in prison, take a look at the people God has surrounded you with right now. Don’t be shy about making plans together for future ministry; completely leave the timing in God’s hands and see how God starts to prepare you for what He has for you. Your life doesn’t start when you get out, it’s already started!
I’ll let you know how everything went when I get back. God bless you guys!