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Photo courtesey of Prison Fellowship


​The Cell Church believes that prison ministry should seek to support the full biblical life of the body of Christ in the prison context, including the fellowship and discipleship of prisoner-led small groups. The Cell Church provides Cell Group leaders and other active Christian leaders with access to books, leadership training materials, study guides, and other resources. Cell Church volunteers mentor, pray for, and encourage leaders through letters, phone calls, and visits. Our ultimate vision is to network Cell Groups in prisons around Colorado together for mutual prayer and cooperative ministry. 


More information on the role of volunteer mentors in this ministry is available at the links below:


What Is a Cell Church Mentor?

Mentoring Prisoners through Correspondence: An Invitation

Mentoring Prisoners: Some Basic Tips for Groups


The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI), a ministry of World Impact, designed Capstone as a seminary-level biblical curriculum which is being used effectively to equip prisoners and other urban ministry leaders who might not otherwise have access to a biblical education. The 16 modules provide the most essential knowledge and skills for effective urban ministry and church leadership, making it an excellent tool to prepare prisoners to be ministers of the gospel of Christ both in prison and in the urban areas to which they return upon release. The Cell Church is now an approved TUMI Satellite, and we currently have two approved TUMI programs in Colorado prisons. 


CLICK HERE for more details on the TUMI Capstone Curriculum.


TUMI of The Cell Church - Westminster, Colorado


​The Cell Church is aware that the body of Christ in prisons is producing quality works of theology, spirituality, art, music, etc. from the unique perspective of the prison cultural context. We believe that these works can make a significant contribution to the global church, and should be valued and shared outside of the prisons. Therefore, The Cell Church encourages indigenous Christian scholarship and art among prionsers, actively solicits Christian writing, art, and music from prisoners, and seeks to expose the wider church and culture to this work through ongoing publication and recording projects. Publications can be found on our PROJECTS page.


CLICK HERE for current Cell Church publishing policies.


The Cell Church focuses primarily on ministry to individuals during their incarceration. However, this does not mean that we are not concerned about serving those who are reintegrating into society after release. Our main role is to help prisoners establish strong relationships with churches on the outside through mentors and other volunteers, so that they will have a supportive and loving community around them to welcome them and help them to adjust as they leave prison. The Cell Church will continue to walk with each of the men and women we serve in their new life "on the streets," and do whatever the Lord graciously enables us to do to support their ministries. Our house church for parolees, which we planted as part of the Ethne Church Network in 2018, provides one major platform for this aspect of our ministry.


That being said, our goal will be to partner with churches and reintegration ministries, so that we can connect those being released with other Christ-centered ministries which are focused on helping people return to the community after prison. There are many wonderful ministries in Colorado which are doing exactly that! We will continue to add links to our Resources page as The Cell Church establishes relationships with local churches and ministries and obtains permission to link to their sites. In the meantime, feel free to contact us with questions about reintegration issues. We will rejoice to assist you in any way we can!

You will find links to local churches, reintegration ministries, and other resources on our RESOURCES page.




Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 351913  Westminster, CO 80035

© 2025 by The Cell Church. Proudly created with

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