The long-term vision for Cell Groups is a network of prisoner-led small groups meeting in prison facilities around Colorado. The Cell Church identifies and supports the leaders of these groups, and other active Christian leaders, by matching them with volunteer mentors who can disciple, support, encourage, and pray for them. Mentors can engage leaders primarily through letters, phone calls, visits, or some combination - whatever the volunteer finds most comfortable. The Cell Church provides a central contact point, so volunteers need not share personal addresses or phone numbers. We also provide training, interface with prison staff, and complete any necessary paperwork to add volunteers to phone and visiting lists.
Mentoring Prisoners through Correspondence: An Invitation
The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) Capstone Curriculum, designed by Dr. Don Davis of World Impact, is a 16-module biblical seminary-level curriculum, with an emphasis on urban ministry, designed to be accessible to individuals of virtually any education level. The Cell Church is now approved as a TUMI Satellite, and we need volunteer instructors (in TUMI parlance, "mentors") to administer this curriculum to prisoners in facilites around Colorado.
Because a program of this type must be approved for each facility where it is conducted, the TUMI program will take longer for us to develop. Volunteers must be willing to undergo the Department of Corrections volunteer approval process, so that they can go into prison facilities to teach the TUMI students. The Cell Church will assist interested volunteers in obtaining approval, and will provide complete training along with all course materials and textbooks.
The Cell Church values the Christian literature, music, and art being produced by the church in the prisons. We need your help to share all these works with the rest of Christ's church!
While the Lord has graciously enabled us to make a beginning, this part of our ministry is still very much in the conceptual development phase. If you are interested in becoming involved with the ministry of The Cell Church, and you have gifts and/or experience in areas such as editing, publishing, music recording or production, or any field involving the arts, please contact us to talk about supporting this aspect of The Cell Church!