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  • Writer's pictureMark Walker

Introducing The Cell Church Research Library

We are excited to be nearing completion of a massive project - organizing and cataloguing our ministry's theological research library. The library currently contains over 3000 volumes covering topics including biblical and theological studies, ministry, spirituality, philosophy, church and ancient history, Christian biography, and biblical languages.

The bulk of the collection was donated by my father, Jerome Walker, who is a trained and experienced theological librarian. Many other contributors have added valuable materials as well. We are pleased to offer this library as a resource for the ministries of prisoners and former prisoners. With the completion of our searchable online catalogue (which can be viewed here), we have begun offering books for checkout to our volunteers and parolees who work with our ministry. We also hope to provide research services to prisoners who send us questions about Scripture or theology.

We are incredibly thankful to God for providing us with such an amazing resource to help support the ministries of current and former prisoners! We are always looking to expand the library - in particular we have a "wish list" of around 30 books on prison ministry which we would love to add to our collection. Donations of both books and funds for the library project are gratefully accepted! Please pray with us that the Lord would work through this resource to advance His kingdom and exalt His name in the prisons, the cities of Colorado, and beyond!

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