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Writer's pictureMark Walker

Letters from Sterling Correctional Facility

The Cell Church has begun receiving a lot of encouraging correspondence from prisoners. The following are excerpts from some of the letters we have received from Sterling Correctional Facility in Sterling, Colorado. They are reproduced here with permission.

"The Cell Church is making an impact here at this facility. Many of the brothers are excited to see how God will use your ministry for His glory. The publication - "Reaching Out from a Bleeding Heart" - is extremely insightful and a tremendous resource for all of us who struggle with the flesh. Please pass along my gratitude to the author for his diligent study and practical gift to the church."

-Tim, Sterling Correctional Facility, Sterling, CO

"Your letter was inspirational, and makes me want to keep going. It was definitely prayer answered. My friend I am so willing to please God, I want to serve Him with all my heart and I know He has big plans for my obedience to Him. I truly hope that you can and will be a part of that. I don't have a lot of support here in Colorado, but I know God has a perfect plan for me, and so I don't have to worry - all I have to do is listen. God bless you, my friend, and thank you."

-Daniel, Sterling Correctional Facility, Sterling, CO

"Through our brother Tim I have received some information about "The Cell Church" and a leadership development program called TUMI. I would love to participate in this program - Tim believes I am perfectly fit for it. But I know that God has seen fit to equip me with the necessary tools to further advance His kingdom as we wait for the coming of our Blessed, Beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have an opportunity upon my release to attend a Bible college in Denver, but I've been limited in regards to biblical work through Bible colleges and seminaries while incarcerated...Know this, we are in here preparing for battle out there!"

- Shannon, Sterling Correctional Facility, Sterling, CO

We at The Cell Church are grateful to everyone of you whose prayers and support have made it possible for us to begin impacting the church in Colorado prisons. We pray that you will continue to help us become a powerful channel of support, encouragement, resources, and hope for imprisoned believers who are faithfully pursuing the ministries to which God has called them!

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